Well, I've been meaning to get this one out for awhile now (that's what she said? - Jason, you'll have to let me know if that was appropriate or not...it's feeling a little limp to me;-))...and be prepared, this guy was nice, but well, it's turned into something that Really Grinds My Gears... :)

Being as I've been single for going on 7 months now, and having a few dates here and there, but nothing to write home about (not that I would anyway...), I decided at the Phoenix concert, I would give out my number and try going on a date with a guy (I mean, really, if you don't try, you'll never know right?). I know, I was being brave, but little did I know what I would be getting myself into....
For purposes of anonymity, we'll call this guy Fred. Fred did the polite thing and gave me a call Sunday after the concert (I didn't answer, as I was with Jackie all day, plus, I have to admit, I am a phone screener, I hate talking on it, so why would I want to talk to a person I didn't know?! Unless I get to pretend to be a scary guy named Stewie who likes to pick up guys in my car...). There were probably a couple of red flags I should have heeded from the concert
- he was there with a group of friends, and his ex-gf happened to be there as well, he had to hide that he was getting my number, I'd had a little alcohol, my senses were a little off, and
- he asked if I gave him a fake, and then referenced that when he texted me later - not sure I've met too many confident guys who worry about that...).
I hate listening to/ returning phone calls, I avoid it like the plague, so it said something that this guy was willing to pursue since he texted me on Monday (or it says desperate, you be the judge). Now, I have to say, that I have been guilty of this before, and it always throws me back to "he's just not that into you"... but when you look through your chat screen, it should be about an 1 to 1 ratio, give or take a few. I mean, really, if you are going to have a chat conversation, make it that. If you want an answer to a question, let the person answer before asking the next question...but I digress...(and for all those non-iphone users out there, my messages are in green :))
I agreed to a date for that coming Friday night (and I wasn't happy to be giving up my Friday night to this guy, but no other night was available) - you can't tell about a person strictly from a text, I'd give him a shot. But as the week wore on, and I got worn out by the text conversation (I mean, it was like he was trying to get to know me via text, dude, wait for the date! I don't really wanna play 20 questions ALL FREAKING DAY!).
Friday came... and boy was I not looking forward to this date, I was beyond annoyed, and I'd made get out plans with Jackie. My poor coworkers had to hear about this, and I'm sure were amused at my antics (I'm sure this single girl provides lots of amusement, maybe its just my plight in life?). I asked where we were going, hoping to just meet up (I mean, who gets in a car w/ a stranger, I would *never* do something like that... haha, ok, that's a lie). So Fred asked:

So I hadn't committed to any times/ dates, etc, as I really didn't know what I had going on, and didn't really want to fill up every night, plus I knew I had plans to eventually see Avatar with Wan, collect on drinks from my Fantasy Football win, and umm, relax like a normal person! :) Last week was much the same, so I wasn't quick on the response (and there was one night where I made it clear I was just getting home from work at 7, and wasn't feeling well, and he was like psycho crazy texter that night), and this past weekend I was out of town all weekend with K :) (see blog here).

I left my phone at work last night, eh, no biggie, I've figured out how to use the oven timer to wake me up in the morning, but let me tell you, trying to snooze that way isn't very fun... ;-)... this also means, I wasn't getting any messages, no biggie for most normal, secure people, right? I think the unread messages this morning might have pushed me over the edge...
And now, I'm not sure where to go... I really don't want a second date, but I kinda said yes before...how do I let him down? I've never been known to stick around for freebies... (or else I would have had some clothes from Brooke Burke...but that's another story), so putting up with this for a possible date next week seems out of the question. But I would really like this monkey off of my back... as I'm pretty sure I'm not interested, because in comparison, when I am, responding makes it's way to the top of my list, and I look forward to hearing back from that person. But Fred hasn't given me that chance, he's always 1st to text me, I like to feel like I have room to reciprocate the feelings. Ok, I've reached the end of my rant, suggestions are more than welcome!
Okay, if you’re ready to let the guy down nicely, it is time for a phone call.
ReplyDeleteI have been that guy before who has been put down "nicely" (aka: phone calls not being returned) and it sucks. It sucks because you don’t know if she is A: female and playing hard to get, or if B: she really doesn’t have any interest in you. There is often a fine line between these two opposing feelings and it can look really blurry from the receiving end of it.
I, like you, also dislike confrontations so I can appreciate the lure of the ignoring option. But if you really, truly, don’t want all these texts, than do the guy a favor and let him know what turned you off so he doesn't repeat the same mistake with the next woman.
My two cents…
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Just text him back and say, "Thanks for dinner last week (or whenever it was), but I'm just not interested in seeing you again."
ReplyDeleteNo games, no drama. Plus, I don't get the impression you'll be running into this guy again in your social circle, so just move on and forget about it! :-)