Monday, March 12, 2012


I recently got a few sprigs of fresh rosemary from my friend's backyard...and have been looking forward to roasting some red potatoes with them.  Today, I came across this recipe for "Moroccan Mint Roasted Vegetables" from a great food blog -  Well, there was no rosemary, but after a quick "rosemary roasted vegetables" search, I came up with a suitable idea from Epicurious.  A few potatoes, a couple of carrots, and some asparagus in olive oil and sea salt for 20 min at 400. Then I added some smashed garlic, pepper, and rosemary for another 20, and I came up with a delightful dinner.

I also opted for the 101 Cookbooks idea to add some plain yogurt.  I used greek, with a little more sea salt and a spray of lemon juice.  Sometimes, the unexpected is exceptional!  And I'm looking forward to trying the roasted vegetables in the Moroccan style.

Moroccan Roasted Vegetables
Photo credit:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Top 10 reasons my 3 weeks in Europe were great

There are so many things that happen over a 3 week period, most are mundane, some are interesting, some shitty, and some can't be kept in.  In order to share, I'll distill them into a top-10 a'la David Letterman.

10) Staying in a nice hotel in Antwerp, unawares of the shit-hole I would be in for the subsequent 2 weeks :(

9) The momentary freak-outs waiting for the train/ metro/ RER (and questioning whether I was waiting for the right train, going in the right direction), getting off the train (I couldn't buy tickets with my pin-less credit card, and didn't have change, without a pass, I couldn't get out!), and getting to the train (like when I was waiting to board to get to my train to Amsterdam and there was a message in French that I couldn't read, and the next train wasn't for another 45 min - I spazzed worrying I wouldn't make my connection).
8) Not killing my coworkers (trust me, this was harder than you'd think).
7) The fantastic weather the whole time, it may have been ice cold in Belgium, but it was mostly sunny all 3 weeks, and graciously rained only at night.
6) Being told by the waiter my first night in Paris that I had a nice accent (not sure if he meant my English or attempt at French...).
5) Having 1000+ restaurant suggestions, and eating probably the best food of my life - then walking it all off.
4) Seeing the iconic Parisian monuments (again) and the Parisian's acting every bit as French as the stereotypes about them.

3) Spending a fantastic weekend with Alia - and walking or metroing through almost every district in Paris... I believe there are 20 in the city center area?? Even if I did get a nasty cold/ flu at the end of it all - I still love you bitch!!

2) Finding out I got the new job and meeting some of my soon to be colleagues!!!
1) Making new friends.
Friend 1: The Belgian in Amsterdam who is "in a band", and getting a free cappuccino - we're fb friends now, so that makes it real, right?
Friend 2: When asking the waiter his favorite dessert, his response of "The classics: the creme brulee, the molten chocolate cake, and the french kiss (while he leaned in to provide said dessert...)." Of course, he gave me his name (Thomas), the restaurant's card, and told me to fb them.

Grilled shallot-carrot mousse-prosciutto
Friend 3: Finding a fantastic restaurant on my own for V-day, then returning with Alia, only to have the owner happily remember me (and proceed to make sure we only paid for 1 glass of wine each, rather than the 3 we each had...if you get a chance, try a Gris 
Blanc!). I've never had a better appetizer. Ever. If you ever find yourself in the 19th arr. go to Draco!
Chestnut souffle

Friend 4 (and my favorite): Emilie at Le Cosi. In the first week there, my team had dinner here. My coworkers had already made friends with her. The baby cow (veal) was delectable, and the chocolate cake like nothing I've ever experienced. After dinner on my last night in Paris, we went back to Le Cosi for a night-cap. She was there, and we also got to meet the owner and the chef. He probably knows he's amazing, but I had to tell him again. So he made me dessert... I could have died after finishing that. Nothing will ever compare. We also only paid for 3 drinks... while we had 9...don't worry, I got her business card and plan on fb'ing her as well ;-) when I'm done with this whole lent thing...

I'm (gratefully) home now.  Paris certainly did not disappoint.  There is definitely something special about that city.  And I can't wait to go back again - someday :)