- Workout more - at least once a week, I've been THAT bad lately (and that doesn't mean I get to average it out ;))
- Volunteer - I was thinking since I'm kind of a people person, it should involve that - maybe at an assisted living home?
- Waste less food - and at least compost it (my apartment complex finally has a compost bin!)
As I was driving home, thinking about how we all make resolutions, and most are lucky to make it through the first quarter of the year. Maybe there is a reason for that, and it's not that most of us are lazy or quitters - but that this time of year has a lot less distractions so we find something else to focus on. Football season is winding down, no one likes the NBA, baseball doesn't start for a few months, and the holidays are over. Also, for those of us in the Northwest, the sun isn't out, so there isn't the pressure to have to take advantage of every minute of sunshine. In fact, working out in a dark yoga room for 90 min is better than being in our cars or at home in the dark.
Maybe we have a need to feel busy and purposeful (plus, no one wants to spend a ton of money and a few dance or yoga classes are cheaper than eating out or Christmas shopping). And I actually didn't come to any conclusions on whether this was a good or bad thing! It was either, we all need to take a break and take this winter time to relax, not feel like we have to go go go. Or else, it's that this time should be taken advantage of to form some good habits, try new things, and even if only 1% of it sticks, isn't that better than we were the year before?
So whether you decide to make resolutions, decide to just give your all in everything, or take this winter to re-energize, may this new year bring you happiness and joy - even if that comes in a pair of heels and yoga pants :).