I think I'm too young to be writing a bucket list, and I don't plan on kicking anything anytime soon. Rather, this is more of a list of things I want to do or places I want to see and haven't gotten to yet;-).
Cheri and Natalie - Winter 2011 |
- Go to South Africa and go on safari
- Live in Italy for a month
- Take a cruise on the Mediterranean
- Always spell vacuum correctly;-)
- Go to Austin, TX
- See the Olympic National Forest
- Perfect my chocolate chip cookie recipe
- See the beaches of Normandy
- Visit the battlefield at Gettysburg
- Go to an Olympic event
- Stay in an ice castle/ hotel
- See Coldplay in concert
- Explore Boston
Damien Rice - Fall 2009 |
- See a game in every MLB park
- Take more staycations
- Go to the Super Bowl
- See the Kentucky Derby
- Road trip in the Midwest/ southwest
- Watch all the movies I own and then purge them;-)
- See Damien Rice in concert every opportunity I get
- Read at least 1 classic novel a year (maybe something less depressing than Wuthering Heights)
- Go to Nome for the iditorod
- Visit the Statue of Liberty and go to the top of the Empire State building
- Find a speakeasy in every major US city I visit
- See live jazz in Memphis, Chicago (again), and New Orleans
- Learn to golf (thanks to my Jacq for the start!)
- Play a full 18- holes on my own
- Go to Jordan
- Waste less food - this is actually my 2012 resolution, preferably it would be waste no food but that may be a little unrealistic when last minute travel plans come in to place
Speakeasy in Chicago |
- See a play in London
- Go back to Paris - see the Musee national Picasso, the Catacombs, more of the Louvre, and the Musee de Orsay
- Watch all the Godfather movies
- Use a whole chicken - including the carcass for making chicken stock. This may be the most difficult, I hate chicken skin, bones, veins, tendons, etc etc etc
- Have an herb garden
- Actually be in Munich for Oktoberfest
- Learn to speak another language
- Decide which language I want to learn:-)
- Go to Norway for my grandma and take hundreds of pictures for her
- Learn to like NYC
- Trace my family lineage - is my last name really German?!
Paris 2010 |
- Find 1 good thing about Houston - no one has been able to tell me one yet!
And when I've found that one good thing about Houston, my life should be over by then, right?;-)