Just over a month ago, I took a leap and left my job. Now don't get too worried (because some people did give me that look when I said I quit my job), I already had another one lined up. And so far, yeah, it has been a fantastic move.
My final 2 weeks at Alaska were literally a whirlwind! I interviewed on Wednesday, heard back that day that they liked me, got my offer, gave my acceptance and my resignation on Thursday - and left for Paris on Friday!
Paris was awesome - 4 days all to myself. Getting on the flight was hairier than a French armpit, but I made it. I watched enough movies both on the flight there and the flight back to practically make the ticket a moot point. I think I got 4 in both ways? (yeah, that is what I said) I beat that on the flight to Germany - 5. Either way, the screaming baby did not help me sleep and the ear plugs did no good. I landed safely in Paris (and let me say, I really think Lufthansa is the best international airline... Air France well, it was so-so. I felt like I was just in their way... no chocolate or refills. I had to get them on my own! Sock-footed and climbing over someone both ways).
I got off the plane and got my stamp to say I officially was in Paris. Wow, bouncing off the walls! I found the RER, bought tickets and was off to my little hotel (seriously, little).
On to drying my hair... with a hair dryer that resembled a mini-vacuum cleaner. If my hair wasn't so short, it would have taken a year to dry. Plus, the nozzle got too hot to hold, so finishing the job was difficult. ;-).
Finally dressed and ready to go, I headed out. First stop, food. I think I passed 5 cafes before I was finally like, damn it, sit down! So I breezed into the next one, and the waiter promptly gave me a bathroom token and pointed. Perplexed, I started to head in that direction, only to stop, turn back and have him point me downstairs. Geez... lucky for the lady in the bathroom without the token, I didn't have to go. Up the stairs I went again, and told the guy (in pointing motions) I wanted a seat. Light bulb! Oh, stupid American, just sit anywhere (no, he didn't say that but I'm sure he thought it). My ability to order food was just about as pathetic. The menu was in French (duh) and so I opted for the easy option - I'll have the special (that way, I could point). Note to self - never ask for the special when you have no idea what it is. It was a strange fish mashed potato with a slice of something the size of a sardine on top. And when in Rome... I ate it all. Cutting the fish thing into 3 pieces, the first bite awful, the second bite caused and intense gag, and the third bite - well, I'm surprised I didn't throw up in that cafe right there! It was one of the worst meals I've eaten, so much for French food.
What will happen next? Will I lose my lunch and wish I'd saved that bathroom token? Will I retreat to my room for a nap? Do I even survive!?!