Two-thousand & eight started off relatively smooth, ha, ok, I'm lying, it was crazy. Busy season, studying for the CPA, commuting to Seattle every other weekend, deciding whether it would be Morgan or me moving, living alone in a house that had been broken into 2 times... *shudder*.
And well, once the CPA was done (yipee!!!), and the decision was made for me to move...it just escalated from there! Planning to move, sell the house, find a new job (in Seattle), leave my life & friends & family...
3 jobs, ~4 moves (and a large financial loss in selling the house), ending an almost 2 year relationship (which definitely was harder than a 6-word blurb...), and the death of a grandmother (super hard) later I am still alive and, relatively, sane. I don't cry every time I leave Portland anymore, though I probably could if I thought about it too hard. I really love my little apartment - mostly because it's the complete opposite of owning a house - cheaper, less to maintain, less to clean, someone else fixes your problems, and location location location. My coworkers make me ok to want to stay in the the hardest city to make friends.
I'm definitely looking forward to a fresh start in 2010 (plus all those fabulous friends of mine turning 2010 in 2010!). And hopefully, a little less tumultuous of a year...